Improve Your Oral Hygiene
If you’re like most patients, you’ve probably heard that you should be brushing twice and flossing once daily. This is a great start, but to really keep your teeth in the best possible condition, you might want to try some of these tips to make your professional cleaning last longer between visits!
Try an electric toothbrush. Electric toothbrushes can be more effective than a standard toothbrush if used correctly. Rather than using the motion of your arm and hand to brush your teeth, the electric model uses very rapid, tiny vibrations to do the cleaning for you. Electric toothbrushes are more effective at removing plaque and calcium buildup, and many of them come with a built-in timer to ensure that you brush for the recommended length of time.
If you have been warned that you brush too hard, consider trying a WaterPik. This tool uses water to clean the teeth and gumline so that you don’t need to use an abrasive brush to clean your teeth. The WaterPik is also a useful tool for reluctant flossers, since the forced stream of water mimics floss and effectively reaches hidden places between teeth.
Be a master flosser. Flossing on a daily basis is possibly the most crucial aspect of proper dental hygiene. While toothbrushes can only reach about 60% of your tooth surfaces, flossing effectively removes the plaque and debris from the remaining 40%. It’s important to floss correctly to get the most benefit. Use a C-shape when flossing and be sure to get under the gums. You should avoid flossing too aggressively to avoid damaging your gums. Feel free to ask your dental hygienist to teach you the best way to floss.
Always rinse after flossing. Flossing daily is a great way to keep your teeth healthy, but make sure you get the most out of the practice by rinsing thoroughly after you’re done. Even if you are flossing without brushing after a meal, be sure to rinse and flush your mouth to remove any debris or bacteria you have loosened in the process. Rinsing with a fluoride rinse can further maximize the benefits of flossing by helping to protect and repair your teeth.
Keep a toothbrush handy. It happens to us all – you go out to lunch and come back to work with spinach in your teeth and a nasty case of garlic breath. Not only will this decrease your chances of selling to that particular client, but it can also cause damage to your teeth and gums. Keep a toothbrush in your purse in your office desk to remove particles of food in an emergency.
Remember to take care of your tongue.Millions of germs can live on your tongue, contributing to bad breath and plaque development. To eradicate bacteria from your tongue, brush it lightly once a day. Mouthwash is also a good way to keep bacteria in your mouth at bay and freshen your breath. To keep your teeth strong and your mouth healthy, use a fluoride-containing mouthwash.
Including these habits in your daily dental hygiene routine will keep your mouth healthier and help you to prevent dental problems, making your visits to our office easier and more enjoyable.
How We Can Help
If you have any questions about what type of products to use or how to use them, or are looking for a Dentist in Charlottesville, we invite you to discover Downtown Dental in Charlottesville. Our dedicated dental staff can provide regular cleanings and dental care, as well as professional recommendations to help improve your dental hygiene routine. Contact us today to setup an appointment!